New Life Vocation Connections
Connections in Vocations and Journeys
Quite a few people asked me how I ‘felt’ on my ordination day. It was hard to answer that as there were so many thoughts and emotions, and practical logistical things to keep on top of that day too! (E.g. who do I need to get photos with, will my phone fall out of my cassock pocket when I kneel down, have I drunk enough water so I don’t keel over in the service? Etc etc)
My final theological assignment was a reflection on the ordination service, and how it enabled me to prepare for public ministry. Most of my peers from training are now starting full time roles as curates, and I have often wondered if I should be doing that too. This evoked a renewed sense of vocation for me, and reminded me that this call was always to remain alongside my doula work. My ordination stole has the images of a cross and a scallop shell, as well as a ‘patchwork’ effect, which bring together symbolism of new life and journeying with others.
There is plenty of overlap with the calling to ordained ministry and accompanying people on their journey to parenthood. However, the theological connection goes further than both being Godly callings and ministries complimentarily working alongside each other. I will attempt to describe some of what I see as I reflect on the parallels I have discovered on this theme of journeying with others:
By design, a journey towards parenthood often begins with two people desiring children, followed by either a short or a long wait, involving intimacy and love, until conception. A tiny life begins to be formed and over nine months gestation, the mother enters labour. Waves of oxytocin (the love hormone) come over the mother, enabling her to labour, and as a result the baby is pushed down the birth canal. (This is all an absolute and total MIRACLE – don’t you agree???) The baby is born, and simultaneously a mother is born, and the new life begins, surrounded by love and support which enables growth, development and flourishing.
The theological comparisons to the discernment process and ordination journey are multiple, as a seed is originally sown in one’s heart and mind by the Spirit, there is a time of waiting and taking steps, listening to God and to others. There is theological wrestling and challenges in training, before the point of ‘birth’ at ordination, surrounded by the loving support of the Church, family and friends for the new life and season of ministry ahead.
Therefore, those who accompany me in my training and ministry by way of spiritual direction, emotional support and continued prayer, encourage development, flourishing and life-giving fruit through the outworking of my ministry.
This analogy can of course be taken much further, as further ministries are ‘birthed’, and I hope I will have the privilege of accompanying others on their spiritual journeys too.
So- just a few brief thoughts on this- lots buzzing around my brain at the moment!
Do let me know your thoughts too.
Helena x